
Gabion - a three-dimensional constructions of various shapes and sizes, made of twisted wire mesh hexagonal mesh and filled with stone. Grid double twisting used in gabions, provides high structural strength. The grid is made of steel wire, galvanized or Galfan, thus ensuring long service life. In order to achieve greater resilience to external factors, is used to wire an additional polymer coating.

1 – wire edge; 2 – the main wire; В – the size of the cell; В1 – the diagonal of the cell
Figure 1 - Scheme of the hexagonal grid cells

Gabions are an alternative to concrete structures and have several advantages.

  • Permeability: Water easily penetrates through the gabions, without creating undue pressure on the structure and no effect on the hydrology.
  • Flexibility: Under the influence of variable loads, gabion can be deformed without being destroyed. Where can crack concrete structure, gabion "adjusts" to changes in topography.
  • Reliability and durability: Applied Materials, as well as high strength braided mesh, provide long service life of gabions.
  • Environmentally friendly: Over time, gabions, used for strengthening, for example, the riverbed will accumulate algae, human pathogens, cleaning the water.
  • Aesthetics: Over time, the gabion may accumulate soil in which to grow plants, improving the appearance of gabion structures.
  • Cost of manufacturing and installation: gabions delivered to the installation site in the folded (effective transportation), and filled with stones (effective installation).

Gabion widely used in building due to its ease of use - you only need to fill with rocks or pebbles.

It is used for the erection of fences, fences, walls, dams, the construction of dams decorative pools, ponds. During the construction of dams to enhance river beds during the construction of embankments, strengthening the banks of rivers and reservoirs to prevent landslides and the collapse of the banks.

It is intended to strengthen the slope for landscaping and home gardens, laid on top of the gabion may blow sand or soil, planting. Performs the function of natural convection and metabolism and is very environmentally friendly material.

Gabion can be made of galvanized steel mesh with hexagonal cell of the grid or PVC coated. In addition, gabion can be reinforced with steel rebar - available on request.

Each gabion is securely connected to adjacent gabion durable galvanized wire mesh so that the whole structure can withstand large loads (erosion, wave, ice, ground pressure of the masses, etc.).

During the operation, as opposed to concrete, gabions are not subject to destruction and cracks, due to design flexibility, which in turn allows the construction of easily accept a draft of the soil. Even the strong erosion of soil erosion at the base of gabion construction leads, often, only a slight deformation without causing loss of strength and fracture. Over the years the strength of metal mesh structures increases, due to the natural germination of plant roots. Over time, merging with the environment, mesh construction, with proper design solution can serve an unlimited term, have a kind of natural blocks, perfectly fit into the landscape, becoming a single entity with him, maintaining and enhancing it.

Gabion - are beautiful, durable, environmentally friendly and fun!

How to Check the quality of gabion mesh products?

  • Twist defects, ligaments, strapping and ties mesh container gabion, diaphragms are determined visually by inspection;
  • Determine the size of the cell between twist on opposite sides of the hexagon in three places, gabion mesh products with an accuracy of 1 mm. One of the measuring sites chosen in the middle of the gabion, the other two on the edges of at least two cells from the edge of the gabion. In each of the measuring sites check the dimensions of ten consecutive cells;
  • Metal corrosion protection of wire should be robust and withstand at least 5 turns of coiling in the rod with a diameter equal to 3 m diameter wire should not crack and break down to such an extent that can be removed with the fingers;
  • The coating material should not significantly change its color when exposed to ultraviolet rays;
  • Tensile strength at break of nets corresponds to the test load at which the rupture of one of the wires of the control sample grid. The control sample wire mesh should be 2 meters long and 1 m wide, and have one of two grid cells cut wire. Tensile tests of the control sample wire mesh should be made on a hydraulic tensile bench. Half of the sample area of  the grid (in length) is crimped to a fixed support, controlled by a uniformly distributed load is applied to the mobile tower, which secured second edge of the grid. When testing should not change the geometrical dimensions of the grid in width;
  • Length, width and height of gabion measuring tape at any point or line with a scale of 1 mm

If you want to consult the price, please contact us and provide your detailed requirements, we will give you a satisfactory reply.